Next steps

Admitted Students


We can't wait to welcome you, in-person. Here are your next steps, including important deadlines for housing and to make sure you get full access to financial aid.

Access your student portal

Congratulations on your acceptance to SPU!

We can't wait to welcome you in person to campus this fall. Here are your next steps, including important deadlines for housing and to make sure you get full access to financial aid.

confetti Next steps for:

First Year Students

  1. Log into your Seattle Pacific Portal

    If this is your first time logging into your student portal, go to Once you are admitted, you will see your next step checklist for enrollment in your portal. It’s a one-stop shop for everything you need to do next! Be sure to check your portal frequently by clicking on the "update" button at the top. This is how you will be notified of scholarships, financial aid, and important next steps.

  2. Submit your enrollment deposit

    If you haven’t already, log into your Seattle Pacific portal and submit your $200 enrollment deposit (advance payment) to secure your spot.* You’ll also need to submit your $300 housing deposit when you register.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  3. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at or 206-281-2982, or visit CIS in Lower Marston Hall.

  4. Apply for Financial Aid

    Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) a soon as possible. Have the results sent to Seattle Pacific University (SPU’s school code for FAFSA is 003788).

    Updates to your financial award will be posted to your SPU Portal. Check your portal regularly for updated scholarship and financial aid information.

    Questions? Contact Student Financial Services at 206-281-2061 or 800-737-8826.

  5. Sign up for classes at New Student Advising

    You’re required to sign up for New Student Advising, the process for signing up for your classes, so we can prepare your records and materials for advising and registration. Watch your mailbox and SPU email for more information available in April.

    Before attending NSA:

    • Submit your enrollment deposit
    • If you are transferring any college credits, you must submit your college transcripts at least two weeks before your New Student Advising registration date.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  6. Earn a Visit Scholarship

    Attend one on-campus visit and/or two qualifying virtual campus visits by May 1 to receive a one-time, up to $1,500 visit scholarship that will be included in your financial aid package for your first year at SPU.
  7. Register for Housing

    The housing application will be open in mid-March. Submit your application by June 1 for priority housing consideration.

    Students who graduated from HS less than two years prior will be assigned housing unless they have completed the exemption petition process and been approved to live off campus. For more information on housing requirements, including the $300 room deposit, how to register for housing, and application deadlines visit this New Students webpage in Housing and Residence Life.

    Questions? Contact Housing and Residence Life at or 206-281-2188.

  8. Sign up for Orientation

    Right before classes begin, you will take part in a required event called Orientation. Parents and guests are invited to attend the first two days. Look for more sign up information in early Spring and be sure to watch your mail and SPU email.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at or 206-281-2247.

  9. Send Official Academic Transcripts by August 1

    We need your final academic transcript with a posted graduation date by August 1. (Your financial aid will be affected if we don’t have this.) If you are transferring any college credits, you must submit your college transcripts at least two weeks before your New Student Advising registration date.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  10. Submit Medical History Form and Immunization Record by August 1

    You will need to send us this information by August 1. Please complete the forms on You can also view SPU's incoming student health requirements.

    Questions? Contact Health Services at 206-281-2231 or visit the Health Center website.

  11. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, you’re probably logged into Banner (SPU’s online site to check your grades and transcripts, and to enroll in classes). While you're there, update your emergency contacts, which are found under the Personal menu.

  12. Grant Access to Others

    Grant access for your parents or others to receive information regarding your student account, financial aid, housing, and general academic standing.

    Questions? Contact Student Financial Services at 206-281-2061 or 800-737-8826

  13. Submit Your Falcon Card Photo Online

    Upload your photo for your SPU campus card using the MyPhoto portal. This multipurpose ID card is your key to campus and will be available for pick up on move-in day! Photos must be uploaded by September 1.

    Questions? Visit the Falcon Card Services site, call 206-281-2693, or email


  *First-year student enrollment deposits are refundable until May 1.

Transfer Students

  1. Log into your Seattle Pacific Portal

    If this is your first time logging into your student portal, go to Once you are admitted, you will see your next step checklist for enrollment in your portal. It’s a one-stop shop for everything you need to do next! Be sure to check your portal frequently by clicking on the "update" button at the top. This is how you will be notified of scholarships, financial aid, and important next steps.

  2. Submit your enrollment deposit

    If you haven’t already, log into your Seattle Pacific portal and submit your $200 enrollment deposit (advance payment) to secure your spot.*

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  3. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at or 206-281-2982, or visit CIS in Lower Marston Hall.

  4. Apply for Financial Aid

    Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) a soon as possible. Have the results sent to Seattle Pacific University (SPU’s school code for FAFSA is 003788).

    Updates to your financial award will be posted to your SPU Portal. Check your portal regularly for updated scholarship and financial aid information.

    Questions? Contact Student Financial Services at 206-281-2061 or 800-737-8826.

  5. Review your transfer credit evaluation in Banner

    As an admitted transfer student your transfer work is automatically evaluated by the Office of the Registrar 10 business days after admission. You can access this information through SPU’s online student information system, Banner. For more information on this process, how to access and review this information, as well as next steps and options for questions, please review this helpful guide.

    Questions? the Office of the Registrar at or 206-281-2031.

  6. Sign up for classes at New Student Advising

    You’re required to sign up for New Student Advising, the process for signing up for your classes, so we can prepare your records and materials for advising and registration. Watch your mailbox and SPU email for more information available in April.

    Before attending NSA:

    • Submit your enrollment deposit
    • If you are transferring any college credits, you must submit your college transcripts at least two weeks before your New Student Advising registration date.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  7. Send Official College Transcripts now

    If taking courses during the summer, please submit your college transcripts as soon as your summer quarter/semester of classes are completed.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  8. Register for Housing

    The housing application will be open in mid-March. Submit your application by June 1 for priority housing consideration.

    Students who graduated from HS less than two years prior will be assigned housing unless they have completed the exemption petition process and been approved to live off campus. Students who graduated from high school more than two years prior to their enrollment date are eligible for campus apartments. However, if demand for housing exceeds supply, priority will be given to students who are required to live on campus.

    For more information on housing requirements, including the $300 room deposit, how to apply, and application deadlines visit the Housing website.

    Questions? Contact Housing and Residence Life at or 206-281-2188.

  9. Sign up for Orientation

    Right before classes begin, you will take part in a required event called Orientation. Parents and guests are invited to attend the first two days. Look for more sign up information in early Spring and be sure to watch your mail and SPU email.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at or 206-281-2247.

  10. Submit Medical History Form and Immunization Record

    You will need to send us this information by August 1. Please complete the forms on You can also view SPU's incoming student health requirements.

    Questions? Contact Health Services at 206-281-2231 or visit the Health Center website.

  11. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, you’re probably logged into Banner (SPU’s online site to check your grades and transcripts, and to enroll in classes). While you're there, update your emergency contacts, which are found under the Personal menu.

  12. Submit Your Falcon Card Photo Online

    Upload your photo for your SPU campus card using the MyPhoto portal. This multipurpose ID card is your key to campus and will be available for pick up on move-in day! Photos must be uploaded by September 1.

    Questions? Visit the Falcon Card Services site, call 206-281-2693, or email


*Transfer student enrollment deposits are refundable until the application deadline of the quarter you intend to enroll (2025-26 academic year).

Off-quarter Students

Access your Seattle Pacific Portal

  1. Submit your $200 enrollment deposit

    Your enrollment deposit (advance payment) is due to SPU’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions online or by mail within 15 days of receiving your offer of financial assistance. (If you will not be applying for financial aid, your enrollment deposit is due within 15 days of your admission.)*

    This payment must be made before you register for classes.

    Log into your Seattle Pacific portal to make your payment, or send the payment to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions in the return envelope that was sent to you, along with your enrollment response card. If this is your first time logging into your student portal, go to The payment will be credited toward your first tuition payment and secures your place for the upcoming quarter. 

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  2. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at or 206-281-2982, or visit CIS in Lower Marston Hall.

  3. Apply for Financial Aid

    Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) a soon as possible. Have the results sent to Seattle Pacific University (SPU’s school code for FAFSA is 003788).

    Updates to your financial award will be posted to your SPU Portal. Check your portal regularly for updated scholarship and financial aid information.

    Questions? Contact Student Financial Services at 206-281-2061 or 800-737-8826.

  4. Sign up for New Student Advising

    Watch your mailbox and SPU email account for more information about setting up a new student advising appointment, where you’ll register for classes and learn important information for the next part of your SPU journey.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  5. Send Official College Transcripts now

    If taking courses during the summer, please submit your college transcripts as soon as your summer quarter/semester of classes are completed.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021, 800-366-3344, or

  6. Sign Up for Housing

    The housing application will be open in mid-March. Submit your application by June 1 for priority housing consideration.

    Students who graduated from HS less than two years prior will be assigned housing unless they have completed the exemption petition process and been approved to live off campus. Students who graduated from high school more than two years prior to their enrollment date are eligible for campus apartments. However, if demand for housing exceeds supply, priority will be given to students who are required to live on campus.

    For more information on housing requirements, including the $300 room deposit, how to apply, and application deadlines visit the Housing website.

    Questions? Contact Housing and Residence Life at or 206-281-2188

  7. Return Medical History Form and Immunization Record

    You will need to send us this information by August 1. Please complete the forms on You can also view SPU's incoming student health requirements.

    Questions? Contact Health Services at 206-281-2231 or visit the Health Center website.

  8. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, you’re probably logged into Banner (SPU’s online site to check your grades and transcripts, and to enroll in classes). While you're there, update your emergency contacts, which are found under the Personal menu.


  *Enrollment deposits are refundable until the application deadline of the quarter you intend to enroll (2025-26 academic year).